Anxiety & Depression

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” – Helen Keller


There are ways for you to manage this and feel relief.

We know that treatment works because we have heard it from our patients and seen it transform their lives. Specific evidence-based treatment for anxiety, stress, worry, depression, bipolar and other mood disorders, and associated symptoms is available - we are passionate about helping your thrive from it. It is important to consult with a mental health professional to better understand these symptoms and what to do about it. Whether these are primary concerns or secondary reactions to trauma or other life events, we will assess and consult with you and create an individual treatment plan based on what has been found to work!

- If you are reading this, then you’ve already taken the first step. Keep that momentum and contact us for help, that itself may bring you some initial relief -

Individuals with anxiety and mood disorders often mistake the physical symptoms for a medical illness and spend a significant time at the physician without getting any clear explanations for what is happening. A mental health provider will help those struggling to enhance their understanding of anxiety, modify thoughts/behaviors, and increase quality of life

Don’t wait until you feel motivated - that’s not how changes happen, especially with anxiety and depression.

Meet with us and then asses how you feel about moving forward.

We typically use Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), exposure work, distress tolerance, and supportive therapy in our approach for:


Bipolar Disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder 

Panic Attacks


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


Social Phobia

School Anxiety/ School Refusal

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

  • Anxiety Disorders are very treatable! In fact, they are one of the most treatable disorders.

    • Treatment can re-establish balance and enhance helpful levels of anxiety.

    • Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT) and exposure work is very effective. It helps identify and change thoughts and beliefs that lead to elevated and/or unrealistic levels of anxiety.

    • Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (TF-CBT) is used with individuals who experience anxiety as a result of trauma.

    • Modifying behavior patterns that lead to avoidance and persistent cycles of anxiety is extremely important and effective.

    • Creating a safe and comfortable environment that you can rely on to explore symptoms, confront challenges, tolerate the symptoms, and practice skills is very important.

    • The frequency and timing of using therapy skills and exposure is critical in anxiety treatment - it really works when done right.

    • Anxiety Disorders produce longer lasting, more frequent, and more excessive symptoms than the shorter lasting, normal, and expected levels of Anxiety. They cause people to perceive higher levels of threat or danger than are actually likely to occur. They also lead people to think that the symptoms are unbearable or significantly harmful to them.

    • The major difference is that the excessive worry resulting from an Anxiety Disorder causes impairment in multiple settings and daily tasks (e.g. home, work, school).

    • Anxiety is a normal emotion that helps people adapt and survive in the face of danger and threat. Almost everyone experiences anxiety and that is okay because in healthy doses it keeps us motivated and alive.

    • When the intensity of emotional and physical responses to anxiety becomes unbalanced and unhelpful, treatment is strongly recommended.

  • The following are some of the most common symptoms of Anxiety Disorders:

    • Intense and excessive worry that impairs daily functioning

    • Persistent anxious thoughts for most of the week or weeks

    • Racing thoughts that are difficult to stop or slow down

    • Frequent "What if..." questions

    • Replaying distressing events over and over again in your mind

    • Specific fears that are excessive when compared to the actual level of risk

    • Dwelling about social discomfort for significant periods of time

    • Feeling very self-conscious

    • Assuming that all eyes are on you most of the time

    • Dizziness & Nausea

    • Distractibility/Day Dreaming

    • Persistent difficulty falling or staying asleep

    • Panic Attacks

    • Worry about the onset of physical symptoms

    • Physical symptoms include:

    • Frequent and prolonged muscle tension in face or body

    • Digestive problems

    • Racing heart

    • Shaking, sweating

    • Chest/Stomach Pain

    • Tingling/Numbing in limbs

    • Distress about making mistakes

    • Pervasive concern about performance & achievement

    • Compulsive thoughts or behaviors

    • Pattern of avoidant behavior

    • Ongoing difficulty falling or staying asleep


We’re glad you’re here - Keep the momentum going towards positive change, health, and growth. Take the next step.